What is Alleywitch's Dice System?
My dice system uses my color system and numerology based on what Alejandro Jodorowsky puts forth in The Way of Tarot.
The colors are explained here. Each color has a 10 sided die (d10) representing the same things as the color represents in general.
For the numerology, I took notes on what Jodorowsky said about each number, then summarized it in my own words:
1: Potentiality, new beginning.
2: Gestation, planning. Accumulation of energy without any action yet. Finding another person or deciding between two things.
3: First action. Implementing what one has planned or inciting change.
4: Stability in the material world. Potential for stagnation or boredom. Patterns and rules.
5: Transition to a higher perspective. Bridging the material and the spiritual.
6: Necessary disruption. A period of inner upheaval. Receiving downloads or knowledge.
7: Acting to manifest the understanding achieved in 6. Making the spiritual manifest.
8: Spiritual attainment and stability. Enlightenment. Fully developed gifts.
9: Illumination. Departure from the lesson one has just completed, resulting in the question of what comes next.
10: End of a cycle, starting the next quest with the knowledge one has gained from the current one.
When should I choose a dice reading?
When you want to know how your knowledge or experience in one area of your life is affecting other areas and your overall current situation.
Can you go backwards through the numbers, or just forward?
Setbacks happen in life, and sometimes you aren’t ready to move forward. Of course it’s possible to move backwards, and Jodorowsky explains some of the factors that might lead to it in The Way of Tarot.
To give an example of my own, the stability of the 4 can result in stagnation or boredom. If you feel you have to make a change but it’s not the change that leads you to the higher perspective of the 5, where the lessons of the 4 have been incorporated to give more perspective, it may return to the 3 - an action that starts you on a particular path. Or if you think your situation at 4 is not what you wanted, you may return even further to the 2 and begin planning again. This is okay; the goal is to progress in the way that’s right for you, not to necessarily only move forward.
What if I've been working hard on something for a long time and I still get a low number?
It’s not a power score or a measure of how far along you are in your overall journey. It’s an indication of where you are with a particular lesson you’re learning in that journey. An unexpected 1 may mean you need to bring in a new perspective to continue moving forward, for example. Use the information from all of the dice to provide context explaining what they’re trying to tell you.
How do you do a dice reading?
I start and end dice readings in the same way as my other readings; there are suggestions on my general divination page.
There are two types of dice-only readings I do.
For the type that uses all of the dice, I roll them all. I look at each as an indicator of where the querent is in the lesson they need to learn about that part of their life right now.
For the 4-5 dice reading, I start by picking the die most related to the subject or question. Then I randomly select 3 more. I roll the 4 dice in the order they were selected. The first die is the subject of a resulting sentence, so to speak; the second is the verb, and the third is the object. Die #4 suggests the action the querent should take. If I feel any clarification is needed, I then pull a fifth die and roll it.
For example: A querent asks what they need to know in order to move forward in their understanding of their Higher Self or best self. That means I select the white die, then randomly pick three more. Those three end up being green, pink, and light blue, in that order.
I roll: White 9, green 9, pink 6, light blue 2. Then I interpret: The querent has learned something already and that lesson is complete; it makes sense that they are trying to figure out what comes next. The changes to their thoughts or perspective that came about as a result have led them to a period of change; maybe they feel like things are disrupted now. But this is in the service of learning new things related to what they are getting from others. Maybe they’re reconsidering whether they should depend on someone as much as they have, or learning what they need from others in order to be healthy and happy. The action to take is to observe and plan, keeping in mind what they give back to others and how it fits into this situation.
Thanks for reading!
If you have any further questions about my dice system or anything else I do, please use my comment form to ask!